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ha'mfast ga'mjee
Hamfast comes from Old English hámfoest meaning 'stay-at-home' (or, literally, 'home-fast')
Other names
Indexes: About this entry:
Hamfast ‘Gaffer’ GamgeeThe father of Sam GamgeeThe son of Hobson, Hamfast removed to Hobbiton to take up gardening, and was for many years the Baggins' gardener at Bag End. He married Bell Goodchild, and had six children, among them Samwise Gamgee of the Company of the Ring. See also...Andwise ‘Andy’ Roper, Battle Gardens, Bell Goodchild, Better Smials, Bilbo Gamgee, Daddy Twofoot, Daisy Gamgee, Gaffer Gamgee, Gamgee Family, Gammidge Family, Greenhand Family, Halfast ‘Hal’ Gamgee, Halfred Gamgee, Halfred Greenhand, Halfred of Overhill, [See the full list...] Indexes: About this entry:
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