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First awoke at Cuiviénen, the place called the Water of Awakening
Many subdivisions, but primarily divided into Eldar, who began the Great Journey, and Avari, who did not
Inspired by Welsh Tylwyth teg (literally 'beautiful kindred')
Other names
Edhelrim, Edhil, Eldalië, Eldar, The Elder Children of Ilúvatar, The Elder Kindred, The Elder People, The Elder Race, Eledhrim, Elven-folk, Elves, The Firstborn, People of the Stars, Quendi, White-fiends
An occasional term used to describe the Elves, used by those of Mortal race, and especially common among the Hobbits. It was said to reflect the extraordinary beauty of those of Elven-kind. Tolkien recorded that he was inspired to invent this term by the real Welsh name Tylwyth teg (literally, the beautiful kindred) referring to the fairies. See also...For acknowledgements and references, see the Disclaimer & Bibliography page. Original content © copyright Mark Fisher 2009, 2022. All rights reserved. For conditions of reuse, see the Site FAQ. Website services kindly sponsored by Axiom Discovery aptitude and skill testing.Personality is one part of understanding a candidate's suitability, but aptitudes and skills are also key. |