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First HallThe great eastern hall of Khazad-dûm"They passed into a hall, bright with daylight from its high windows in the east."
The Fellowship of the Ring II 5
The Bridge of Khazad-dûm To one entering through the wide archway of the East-gate of Moria, a pair of doors led into a vast hallway, the First Hall of Khazad-dûm. Unlike most of the chambers of that underground citadel, the First Hall was lit by sunlight, from the windows high in its eastern wall. A doorway to the west led on into a wide passage, and then down a stairway to the narrow Bridge of Khazad-dûm, a last defence of the Dwarves against any enemy that might break the Great Gates and gain entry to the eastern hall. See also...Bridge of Khazad-dûm, First Deep, Second Hall, Seventh Level, Third Deep Indexes: About this entry:
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