Most were slain by I 489; Beleg was slain later in I 489, and Túrin took his own life I 499
Travelled the lands west of Doriath, eventually settling on Amon Rûdh
Important peaks
The outlaws' lair of Bar-en-Danwedh was concealed in the height of Amon Rûdh
gow'rwaith (ai is pronounced like English 'eye')
Other names
About this entry:
- Updated 19 October 2016
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The 'Wolf-men', the name given to the bands of outlaws that ranged through Beleriand in the later First Age. It was to one of these bands, led by Forweg, that Túrin joined himself for a time after he left Doriath.
There were originally some fifty Men in the band of Gaurwaith joined by Túrin, but we are given the names of only a handful of the more important:
Algund |
The oldest of the outlaws, and one of their more merciful members. Like Túrin, Algund was a Man of Dor-lómin, where he seems to have been a soldier (at least, he apparently knew Lord Húrin by sight, and was said to have escaped into the south from the Nirnaeth Arnoediad). He hoped one day to return to his captured northern home, but was slain on Amon Rûdh after Mîm's betrayal. |
Andróg |
Said to have been the grimmest even of the grim Gaurwaith, Andróg was a murderer who had fled to safety out of Dor-lómin. It was his refusal to meet Túrin's challenge to combat that allowed Túrin to join the Gaurwaith. When the band met the Petty-dwarf Mím, Andróg shot Mím's son Khím, and so the Dwarf cursed him to set aside his bow and arrows. This he did, but he doubted Mím until the end, and in this his suspicions proved correct. The Petty-dwarf betrayed the Gaurwaith, and Andróg fell victim to Mím's curse when he took up his own bow again but fell, shot by an arrow. |
Andvir |
Said to have been the son of Andróg, who must therefore have fled southwards with his father from Dor-lómin. Little is known of Andvir, but according to tradition he survived the massacre on Amon Rûdh and lived into old age. He related the story of the Gaurwaith to the poet Dírhavel, and is thus the ultimate source of the tradition of Túrin among the outlaws. |
Forweg |
A tall Man with golden hair, originally of the Edain of Hador's people, and the leader of the Gaurwaith at the time Túrin joined them. The name 'Forweg' is hinted to have been a pseudonym (it means simply 'Northman') but no other name is recorded. It was Forweg who accepted Túrin as a member of the band, a decision he would soon regret. Some time later, seeing a woman fleeing through the woods, Túrin slew her pursuer, realising too late that that pursuer was none other than Forweg. On the advice of old Algund, the Gaurwaith chose Túrin himself to be their new leader in Forweg's place. |
Orleg |
A little-known member of the outlaw band, Orleg was chosen by Túrin to help him scout a marauding force of Orcs. The Orcs discovered them, and though Túrin was able to escape, Orleg was shot through with Orc-arrows. |
Túrin (Neithan) |
Fleeing from Doriath after his slaying of Saeros, Túrin came upon the outlaw band in the woods west of Sirion. He was accepted by them after showing his martial skill, but did not give them his true name, instead using the alias Neithan, meaning 'The Wronged'. Túrin later slew Forweg, until then the chief of the Gaurwaith, and took his place as leader. Under his command the outlaws settled at Bar-en-Danwedh on Amon Rûdh and with help from his friend Beleg, Túrin began to shape them into a force to fight against the Orcs. This new Land of Bow of Helm, led from Amon Rûdh, came to a sudden and bloody end when Mím the Petty-dwarf betrayed Túrin and his people to the Orcs. While most of the outlaws were slain, Túrin was taken captive and carried away into the North. |
Ulrad |
A cruel but cowardly member of the band, Ulrad at first opposed the acceptance of Túrin as one of the outlaws, but gave way when challenged. Later, when the group captured Beleg, he was one of those who urged the torture of the Elf until Túrin intervened. After the outlaws settled in Bar-en-Danwedh, Ulrad was cowed even by the anger of the Petty-dwarf Mîm. Ulrad's fate is not specifically recorded, but he was almost certainly slain when Bar-en-Danwedh was betrayed to the Orcs. |
See also...
Algund, Andróg, Bees, Earth-bread, End of the Wood, Forweg, Larnach, Neithan, Orleg, The Company, Wolf-folk, Wolf-heads, Wolf-men
About this entry:
- Updated 19 October 2016
- Updates planned: 1
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