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The Northfarthing of the Shire
Associated with the Bracegirdle family
'Hard dwelling'1
Indexes: About this entry:
HardbottleA township in the Shire’s NorthfarthingA settlement in the stony northern parts of the Shire - so far north, in fact, that it does not appear on the map of the Shire included in The Lord of the Rings. Its name means 'hard dwelling', where 'hard' is a reference to the rocky northern landscape in which it was built. Hardbottle was the ancestral home of the Bracegirdle family, whose most famous daughter was Lobelia, better known by her married name of Lobelia Sackville-Baggins. After the War of the Ring, she was rescued from the Michel Delving Lockholes to find that she had lost the last of her family, her son Lotho. This news caused her to give up Bag End, and return to her family home at Hardbottle in the Northfarthing. Notes
See also...Blanco Bracegirdle, Bracegirdle Family, Bruno Bracegirdle, Folklands, Four Farthings, Lobelia Sackville-Baggins (née Bracegirdle), Lotho Sackville-Baggins, Primrose Boffin Indexes: About this entry:
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