The Encyclopedia of Arda - an interactive guide to the world of J.R.R. Tolkien
An old settlement of the Petty-dwarves known as the House of Ransom during I 489
On the summit of Amon Rûdh, south of Brethil
Made by the Petty-dwarves, and granted to the Gaurwaith in ransom
Made by Petty-dwarves, but occupied by Men
Important peaks
Constructed within the peak of Amon Rûdh, the Bald Hill
So named because its original owner, Mîm, allowed his captors the Gaurwaith to dwell within the house as a ransom
Other names


About this entry:

  • Updated 22 December 2022
  • This entry is complete

House of Ransom

The house of the treacherous Petty-dwarf

Map of the House of Ransom

The hilltop of Amon Rûdh had long been the home of a colony of Petty-dwarves, who lived in an underground complex originally known as Bar-en-Nibin-noeg, the 'House of the Petty-dwarves'. As the First Age wore on, these people dwindled, until at last only three survived: Mîm and his two sons Khîm and Ibun. To their misfortune, the Petty-dwarves encountered Túrin at the time he led a desperate band of outlaws. Mîm's sons fled, but Mîm himself was caught, and agreed to house the outlaws in exchange for his own life. So the Dwarf-delvings of Amon Rûdh became known as Bar-en-Danwedh, meaning 'House of Ransom'. The ransom, in fact, was a double one: when they returned to Amon Rûdh, it was learned that Khîm had been shot by an arrow as he fled, and was dead. In recompense, Túrin promised to pay Mîm a ransom of his own, if ever he was able.

Túrin and the outlaws stayed in Bar-en-Danwedh through the winter of one year and the summer of the next, and they were joined there by Beleg Strongbow out of Doriath. They defended the lands around against Melkor's forces, and became so famous in that region that they gained a following, with Túrin and Beleg coming to be known as the Two Captains. In the end, though, disaster struck: Mîm betrayed them to the Orcs, who slew the outlaws and captured Túrin in a net. Beleg survived, and Mîm fled from him, never to return to his old House of Ransom on Amon Rûdh.


About this entry:

  • Updated 22 December 2022
  • This entry is complete

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The Encyclopedia of Arda
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House of Ransom

The house of the treacherous Petty-dwarf

An old settlement of the Petty-dwarves known as the House of Ransom during I 489
On the summit of Amon Rûdh, south of Brethil
Made by the Petty-dwarves, and granted to the Gaurwaith in ransom
Made by Petty-dwarves, but occupied by Men
Important peaks
Constructed within the peak of Amon Rûdh, the Bald Hill
So named because its original owner, Mîm, allowed his captors the Gaurwaith to dwell within the house as a ransom
Other names


About this entry:

  • Updated 22 December 2022
  • This entry is complete

House of Ransom

The house of the treacherous Petty-dwarf

Map of the House of Ransom

The hilltop of Amon Rûdh had long been the home of a colony of Petty-dwarves, who lived in an underground complex originally known as Bar-en-Nibin-noeg, the 'House of the Petty-dwarves'. As the First Age wore on, these people dwindled, until at last only three survived: Mîm and his two sons Khîm and Ibun. To their misfortune, the Petty-dwarves encountered Túrin at the time he led a desperate band of outlaws. Mîm's sons fled, but Mîm himself was caught, and agreed to house the outlaws in exchange for his own life. So the Dwarf-delvings of Amon Rûdh became known as Bar-en-Danwedh, meaning 'House of Ransom'. The ransom, in fact, was a double one: when they returned to Amon Rûdh, it was learned that Khîm had been shot by an arrow as he fled, and was dead. In recompense, Túrin promised to pay Mîm a ransom of his own, if ever he was able.

Túrin and the outlaws stayed in Bar-en-Danwedh through the winter of one year and the summer of the next, and they were joined there by Beleg Strongbow out of Doriath. They defended the lands around against Melkor's forces, and became so famous in that region that they gained a following, with Túrin and Beleg coming to be known as the Two Captains. In the end, though, disaster struck: Mîm betrayed them to the Orcs, who slew the outlaws and captured Túrin in a net. Beleg survived, and Mîm fled from him, never to return to his old House of Ransom on Amon Rûdh.


About this entry:

  • Updated 22 December 2022
  • This entry is complete

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