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Galadriel took up the rule of Lórien after III 1980, and departed into the West on 29 September III 3021 (ruled for approximately 1,041 years)
The land of Lórien
The Golden Wood was a name given to Lórien after Galadriel's planting of golden-leafed mallorn trees there
Other names
Lady of the Elves, Lady of the Galadhrim, Lady of Lórien, Lady of the Wood, Sorceress of the Golden Wood
Title of
Indexes: About this entry:
Lady of the Golden WoodA title of GaladrielA title given to Galadriel after she settled in the lands along the river Celebrant and took up the rule of the Silvan Elves who dwelt there. It was Galadriel who brought the golden-leafed mallorn trees to that country, trees that had ultimately come out of the West, but would grow nowhere else in Middle-earth.1 The land became known as Lórien, but also commonly as the Golden Wood. With her spouse Celeborn, Galadriel was acknowledged as the joint leader of the Galadhrim - the Elves of Lórien - and thus the Lady of the Golden Wood. Notes
See also...Lady of the Wood, Mistress of Magic, Sorceress of the Golden Wood Indexes: About this entry:
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