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Indexes: About this entry:
Lily BagginsThe youngest of Balbo Baggins’ daughtersOne of the children of Balbo Baggins and Berylla Boffin, Lily belonged to only the second recorded generation of the Baggins family, being born some two centuries before the War of the Ring. Lily was the youngest of the five children, each of whom gave rise to a long line of descendants. Lily herself married Togo Goodbody, and from them descended a populous branch of the Goodbody family. Lily's eldest brother Mungo was Bilbo Baggins' grandfather, and so Lily was Bilbo's great aunt. She lived until the age of ninety, dying in the year after the Fell Winter descended on Middle-earth (perhaps due to the privations of that time, which brought terrible hardship to the Shire-hobbits). Her great nephew Bilbo Baggins would have been born twenty-two years earlier, and the two would surely have met during Lily's last years. See also...Berylla Boffin, Goodbody Family, Largo Baggins, Pansy Baggins, Togo Goodbody Indexes: About this entry:
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