The Encyclopedia of Arda - an interactive guide to the world of J.R.R. Tolkien
Born a Baggins; married into the Bolger family
The Bolgers were most associated with Budgeford in the Eastfarthing
Named for the flower, pansy


About this entry:

  • Updated 10 September 2023
  • This entry is complete

Pansy Baggins

One of Bilbo Baggins’ great-aunts

The second child and eldest daughter of Balbo Baggins and Berylla Boffin. Pansy Baggins' father Balbo was the earliest recorded patriarch of the Baggins family, and his daughter Pansy was therefore one of the earliest recorded Hobbits belonging to that family. She had one elder brother, Mungo, and three younger siblings; Ponto, Largo and Lily. Pansy married into the Bolger family, wedding Fastolph Bolger, and the two evidently gave rise to numerous descendants (descendants of whom, however, we have no detailed accounts).

Pansy's elder brother Mungo was the father of Bungo Baggins, and Bungo was the father of Bilbo Baggins, and so Pansy Baggins was Bilbo's great-aunt. Pansy would have been seventy-eight years old when Bilbo was born, and it seems likely that she would have known him as a child. We are not told how long Pansy lived, but if she survived to the age of ninety-nine (an old but perfectly plausible age for a Hobbit) she would have seen the terrible cold of the Fell Winter descend on the Shire.


About this entry:

  • Updated 10 September 2023
  • This entry is complete

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The Encyclopedia of Arda
The Encyclopedia of Arda
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Pansy Baggins

One of Bilbo Baggins’ great-aunts

Born a Baggins; married into the Bolger family
The Bolgers were most associated with Budgeford in the Eastfarthing
Named for the flower, pansy


About this entry:

  • Updated 10 September 2023
  • This entry is complete

Pansy Baggins

One of Bilbo Baggins’ great-aunts

The second child and eldest daughter of Balbo Baggins and Berylla Boffin. Pansy Baggins' father Balbo was the earliest recorded patriarch of the Baggins family, and his daughter Pansy was therefore one of the earliest recorded Hobbits belonging to that family. She had one elder brother, Mungo, and three younger siblings; Ponto, Largo and Lily. Pansy married into the Bolger family, wedding Fastolph Bolger, and the two evidently gave rise to numerous descendants (descendants of whom, however, we have no detailed accounts).

Pansy's elder brother Mungo was the father of Bungo Baggins, and Bungo was the father of Bilbo Baggins, and so Pansy Baggins was Bilbo's great-aunt. Pansy would have been seventy-eight years old when Bilbo was born, and it seems likely that she would have known him as a child. We are not told how long Pansy lived, but if she survived to the age of ninety-nine (an old but perfectly plausible age for a Hobbit) she would have seen the terrible cold of the Fell Winter descend on the Shire.


About this entry:

  • Updated 10 September 2023
  • This entry is complete

For acknowledgements and references, see the Disclaimer & Bibliography page.

Original content © copyright Mark Fisher 1999, 2001, 2008, 2017, 2023. All rights reserved. For conditions of reuse, see the Site FAQ.

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