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Lithe is pronounced 'li'the', with 'th' as in 'these'
Lithe comes from the Old English month name Liða, 'warm, gentle'
Other names
Known in Bree as the Summerdays
Indexes: About this entry:
LithedaysThe Shire’s midsummer holidayA group of three days inserted into the Shire Calendar between the months of June and July (or, as the Shire-hobbits knew those months, Forelithe and Afterlithe). These three days, marked with merriment and feasting, fell at midsummer, and indeed the middle Litheday was also known as Mid-year's Day. Every four years there was also a fourth Litheday, the Overlithe, that fell immediately after Mid-year's Day and so adjusted the calendar to take account of a leap year. See also...Indexes: About this entry:
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