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22 June on a modern (Gregorian) calendar
First formally appeared in the King's Reckoning of Númenor
Literally 'year-middle', but usually translated 'Mid-year's Day'
Other names
Indexes: About this entry:
LoëndëMid-year’s DayThe name of a day introduced into the calendars of Men in the original King's Reckoning, marking the middle of the year (its name literally translates as 'year-middle', and it is usually translated 'Mid-year's Day'). On a modern calendar Loëndë would fall on 22 June, corresponding closely with the Summer Solstice. In Númenor, Loëndë did not in fact occur in every year. To mark a leap year, it was removed from its normal position between the months of Nárië and Cermië, and was replaced by a pair of days known as the Enderi, thus extending the year by one day. Though the original Númenórean calendar saw significant revisions over the millennia, the festival of Midsummer remained in place through all these revisions, and on into the New Reckoning that came into use during the Fourth Age. In this, the last documented calendar of Middle-earth, the middle of the year was marked by three Enderi, but the name Loëndë was retained for the second of these three Middle-days of the year. See also...Cermië, King’s Reckoning, Mid-year’s Day, Middle-days, Midsummer, Nárië, Stewards’ Reckoning, Yáviérë Indexes: About this entry:
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