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Established in II 32 (the date of the founding of Númenor) or soon thereafter;1 replaced by the Stewards' Reckoning in III 2060 (in use for approximately 5,469 years)
Originated among the Dúnedain of Númenor, and maintained among their descendants in Middle-earth after the Downfall
Adapted from a calendar in use by the Eldar2
Indexes: About this entry:
King’s ReckoningThe calendar of NúmenorThe name given to the calendar system used in Númenor, and in Gondor and Arnor during the early part of the Third Age. It divided the year into twelve months (properly called astar), and included three days that did not belong to any month: yestarë, loëndë and mettarë.
The King's Reckoning lasted until the loss of Eärnur the last King of Gondor. It was revised by Mardil, the first Ruling Steward, who replaced it with the system known as the Stewards' Reckoning. Notes
See also...Astar, Astron, Haranyë, Loëndë, Nárië, New Reckoning, Shire Calendar, Shire-reform, Stewards’ Reckoning, Thanksgiving to Eru, Úrimë, Úrui, Wintring, Yavannië, Yáviérë Indexes: About this entry:
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