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Aragorn lived 1 March III 2931 - IV 120 (210 years); he was Chieftain of the Dúnedain (in minority) from III 2933, and King of the Reunited Kingdom from 1 May III 3019
This name was particularly associated with Bree
'Long legs'1
Other names
Chieftain of the Dúnedain, Chieftain of the North, The Dúnadan, Envinyatar, King of the West, Man of the West
LongshanksBill Ferny’s nickname for StriderA name used by Bill Ferny as he sneered at Strider and the Hobbits on their departure from Bree. The name is in fact related to Aragorn's other name in Bree, 'Strider' (and was said to be one of many insulting names that Bill Ferny had heard for Strider). Shank in this sense means 'leg', so 'Longshanks' means simply 'long-legs', and relates to his considerable height and the long length of his stride. Indeed, Aragorn's descent from the famously tall Dúnedain would have made him considerably taller than most of the Men of Bree. Notes
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