The Encyclopedia of Arda - an interactive guide to the world of J.R.R. Tolkien
The Stewards ruled Gondor from III 2080; they were known as Lords of the Mundburg from III 2510, the year of the Oath of Eorl and the founding of Rohan; the title might conceivably have also been applied to the Kings who ruled Gondor into the Fourth Age
A name used by the Rohirrim for the ruler of the Gondorians
The Mundburg was the name used in Rohan for Minas Tirith
Mundburg is pronounced 'mu'ndburg'
Mundburg means 'guardian fortress' (equivalent in meaning to the Elvish name Minas Tirith)
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About this entry:

  • Updated 23 April 2024
  • This entry is complete

Lord of the Mundburg

A title for the Steward of Gondor

Among the Rohirrim, the city of Minas Tirith was known as the Mundburg, an approximate translation of its name into their own tongue. The ruler of that city they therefore knew as the Lord of the Mundburg. The title is rare, but appears most prominently among the words of the Oath of Eorl, in which Eorl the Young swore unending fealty between his own people and the Gondorians. The Lord of the Mundburg at that time was Steward Cirion, and Eorl's oath was made in response to his gift of Calenardhon, the land that would became known as Rohan.

For a detailed list and genealogical chart of the Lords of the Mundburg, see the entry for Ruling Steward.



There were twenty-seven Ruling Stewards in total, but the first eleven of these (from Mardil to Boromir) ruled before the settlement of Eorl and his people in Rohan. They would not therefore have been called 'Lords of the Mundburg', a title that was first used in the time of Cirion the twelfth Ruling Steward. From Cirion to Faramir, who was formally the last of the Ruling Stewards, there were sixteen Stewards who might have been addressed as Lords of the Mundburg.


About this entry:

  • Updated 23 April 2024
  • This entry is complete

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The Encyclopedia of Arda
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Lord of the Mundburg

A title for the Steward of Gondor

The Stewards ruled Gondor from III 2080; they were known as Lords of the Mundburg from III 2510, the year of the Oath of Eorl and the founding of Rohan; the title might conceivably have also been applied to the Kings who ruled Gondor into the Fourth Age
A name used by the Rohirrim for the ruler of the Gondorians
The Mundburg was the name used in Rohan for Minas Tirith
Mundburg is pronounced 'mu'ndburg'
Mundburg means 'guardian fortress' (equivalent in meaning to the Elvish name Minas Tirith)
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About this entry:

  • Updated 23 April 2024
  • This entry is complete

Lord of the Mundburg

A title for the Steward of Gondor

Among the Rohirrim, the city of Minas Tirith was known as the Mundburg, an approximate translation of its name into their own tongue. The ruler of that city they therefore knew as the Lord of the Mundburg. The title is rare, but appears most prominently among the words of the Oath of Eorl, in which Eorl the Young swore unending fealty between his own people and the Gondorians. The Lord of the Mundburg at that time was Steward Cirion, and Eorl's oath was made in response to his gift of Calenardhon, the land that would became known as Rohan.

For a detailed list and genealogical chart of the Lords of the Mundburg, see the entry for Ruling Steward.



There were twenty-seven Ruling Stewards in total, but the first eleven of these (from Mardil to Boromir) ruled before the settlement of Eorl and his people in Rohan. They would not therefore have been called 'Lords of the Mundburg', a title that was first used in the time of Cirion the twelfth Ruling Steward. From Cirion to Faramir, who was formally the last of the Ruling Stewards, there were sixteen Stewards who might have been addressed as Lords of the Mundburg.


About this entry:

  • Updated 23 April 2024
  • This entry is complete

For acknowledgements and references, see the Disclaimer & Bibliography page.

Original content © copyright Mark Fisher 2009, 2024. All rights reserved. For conditions of reuse, see the Site FAQ.

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