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Indexes: About this entry:
Lórien of the BlossomLothlórienOne interpretation of the name Lothlórien, though the name is elsewhere translated more poetically as 'the Dreamflower'. The Elvish prefix loth- means both 'flower' and 'blossom', and is a reference to the golden blossoms of Lórien's mallorn tree, because of which the land was also often called the Golden Wood. The name Lórien comes from the gardens of the same name in the West, home of Irmo (himself also usually called Lórien after his dwelling) the Vala whose province was the world of dreams. From that source the alternative translation 'Dreamflower' arises, though in practice references to springtime flowers and blossoms were generally not used, and the land of Galadriel and Celeborn was more often simply called Lórien. See also...Indexes: About this entry:
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