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Founded after the establishment of Valinor, very roughly 15,000 years before the first rising of the Sun
Within Valinor1
Equivalent to 'dreamland'
This was the original Lórien in Valinor, not to be confused with Galadriel's Lórien in Middle-earth. For that land of the Silvan Elves, see the entry for Lórien
Indexes: About this entry:
LórienThe gardens of ValinorThe gardens of the Vala Irmo in Valinor, from which he took his more common name, Lórien. Notes
See also...Estë, Galadriel, Irmo, Lords of the Valar, Lórellin, Lórien of the Blossom, Melian, Míriel Serindë, Olórin, Powers of Arda, Spirit of Fire, The Gentle Indexes: About this entry:
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