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Probably founded at the time of the Great Journey during the Years of the Trees, though this is uncertain; the name Lórinand fell out of use by the later Third Age1
On the banks of the river Celebrant, to the southeast of Khazad-dûm
Other names
Dreamflower, Dwimordene, The Golden Wood, The Hidden Land, Land of the Valley of Singing Gold, Laurelindórenan, Lindórinand, Lórien, Lórien of the Blossom, Lothlórien, Vale of the Land of the Singers, Valley of Gold
Indexes: About this entry:
LórinandAn old name for the land of Lórien![]() Note that the locations of Cerin Amroth and Caras Galadhon shown here are conjectural.
Note that the locations of Cerin Amroth and Caras Galadhon shown here are conjectural.
One of the many old names for the land usually called Lórien; its meaning is apparently 'Valley of Gold'. Notes
See also...Celebrían, Dreamflower, Elves of Lórinand, Galadriel, Lord of Lórien, Lord of Lothlórien, Nandorin, River Anduin, Vale of the Land of the Singers, Valley of Gold Indexes: About this entry:
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