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Born III 29991
Dol Amroth, and later Rohan
Descended from the Princes of Dol Amroth
Probably either 'flower-garland' or 'flower-maiden'
LothírielQueen to Éomer ÉadigNote that the names of Lothíriel's three elder brothers - Elphir, Erchirion and Amrothos - appear only in volume XII of The History of Middle-earth. The youngest child, and only daughter, of Prince Imrahil of Dol Amroth. After the War of the Ring in the year III 3021, when she would have been twenty-two years old, she became queen to King Éomer of Rohan. The royal couple had a son, Elfwine, who bore a close resemblance to Lothíriel's father Imrahil, and may have inherited some of the Elvish blood that was said to run in the veins of that family. Notes
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