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Forming the western and southern borders of Mordor
The rivers Harnen and Poros, and the stream known as the Morgulduin, all had their sources in these mountains, as well as three other unnamed streams and rivers
Cirith Dúath, Cirith Ungol, Morgul Pass; the Haunted Pass and the Isenmouthe separated this range from the Ash Mountains to the north and east
Other names
These mountains are not to be confused with Ered Wethrin that bordered the land of Hithlum, north of Beleriand, and whose name is also translated into English as Mountains of Shadow
Indexes: About this entry:
Mountains of ShadowThe western border of Mordor![]() A range of mountains that ran north to south between Ithilien and Mordor, forming the western border of Sauron's Dark Land. At the southern extent of Mordor's western border, the range turned eastward and ran for some four hundred miles to create a southern frontier for the Dark Land.
Also known by the Elvish name of Ephel Dúath, the main pass through the Mountains of Shadow was through the valley of Imlad Morgul, guarded (at the time of the War of the Ring) by the tower of Minas Morgul. In their northern parts, the mountains had a series of ridges and hills on their eastern side, known as the Morgai. See also...Ash Mountains, Dead City, East-mountains, Great Battle, Haunted Pass, Midges, Morgul Pass, Morgul Valley, Morgul-host, Nameless Pass, River Anduin, Shadowy Mountains, Stairs of Cirith Ungol, Valley of Living Death, Winding Stair Indexes: About this entry:
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