- Cities and buildings
- Fields, plains and deserts
- Forests
- Hills and mountains
- Islands and promontories
- Lands, realms and regions
- Rivers and lakes
- Seas and oceans
This region was probably inhabited from the time of the Great Journey (long before the first rising of the Sun), though this is uncertain
Peopled primarily by Silvan Elves
ny'th (the 'ai' sound is pronounced like the English word 'eye')
'Spear-point' (in reference to its shape)
Other names
Indexes: About this entry:
![]() The Sindarin word naith literally meant 'spear-point', but over time it came to be used by the Elves for all manner of sharp or spear-like objects. Most famously, it was used to describe the approximately wedge-shaped land between the rivers Celebrant and Anduin, where the heartlands of Lórien lay.1 Caras Galadhon, the City of the Trees, was found within this narrow land. Tolkien translates Naith into English using the word 'Gore', a very close equivalent. Just like naith, 'gore' can describe any of a wide range of narrow or pointed items, though it is now so rarely used in that sense that many readers find it almost as obscure as its Elvish equivalent. Notes
See also...Indexes: About this entry:
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