- Cities and buildings
- Fields, plains and deserts
- Forests
- Hills and mountains
- Islands and promontories
- Lands, realms and regions
- Rivers and lakes
- Seas and oceans
Constituent parts date back to the distant past of the First Age; assembled into a complete narrative between III 3003 and III 3021
Deals with events taking place in Aman and (primarily) in Beleriand, the lands westward of the Blue Mountains
Assembled from ancient works by various authors by Bilbo Baggins
Mostly concerned with the histories of the Elves, although Men (especially Edain) also play an important role
kwe'nta silmari'llion
'History of the Silmarils'
Other names
Gives its name to the Silmarillion, although properly the Quenta Silmarillion only constitutes a part of that collective work
Indexes: About this entry:
Quenta SilmarillionThe History of the Silmarils'The History of the Silmarils'; the full name for the collection of legends and tales more commonly called just The Silmarillion, and especially that part of it dealing with the making and long history of the Silmarils during the Elder Days. See also...Elemmírë, Hills of the Hunters, Khazad-dûm, Ladros, Nienna, Silmarillion, Silmarils, Song of Parting, ‘The Fall of Gondolin’ Indexes: About this entry:
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