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Active III 16341
Descended in part from the Dúnedain
Descended from Castamir the Usurper, and therefore from a minor branch of the House of Anárion
SangahyandoA descendant of the Usurper
One probable line of descent of Sangahyando and Angamaitë from Castamir the Usurper.3 One probable line of descent of Sangahyando and Angamaitë from Castamir the Usurper.3 A great-grandson of Castamir, who had usurped the throne of Gondor. After the rightful King, Eldacar, had regained his realm, Castamir's sons fled to Umbar, where they formed a refuge and base for the enemies of Gondor. Sangahyando was one of their descendants, and with another, Angamaitë, he led a raid on Pelargir nearly two hundred years after their grandfathers had been driven from that city into exile. Their raid was a stunning success, and they succeeded in slaying Gondor's King at that time, Minardil. Sangahyando's name is not easy to translate into English. The conventional translation is 'throng-cleaver', but 'throng' is only an approximate translation of Quenya sanga. In this context, a sanga was a body of soldiers in close formation, so Sangahyando's name refers to him cutting into his enemies' defences. Notes
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