Above the Mouths of Anduin, at the outflow of the River Sirith
A harbour city established by Númenóreans of the Faithful party
Built by Númenóreans, but occupied by Gondorians after the Downfall
pe'larrgeerr ('rr' emphasises that the r sounds should be distinctly pronounced)
'Garth1 of royal ships'
About this entry:
- Updated 4 May 2011
- Updates planned: 1
The greatest and most ancient of the havens of Gondor, on the northern shore of the wide River Anduin in the land of Lebennin.
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A 'garth' in this sense is a walled or enclosed area. In this context, it implies that Pelargir and the ships in its port were protected from attack by strong city walls. |
See also...
Angamaitë, Aragorn Elessar, Battle of the Crossings of Erui, Calembel, Captain of Ships, City of the Corsairs, Common Language, Crossings of Erui, Dead Men, Delta of Anduin, Dúnedain of Gondor, Elendil, Elladan, Ethir Anduin, Ethring, [See the full list...]Gate of Gondor, Gondorians, Great Haven, Great Middle Haven, Harondor, Haven of Umbar, Isildur, King of Gondor, Kingdoms of the Dúnedain, Legolas Greenleaf, Lond Daer Enedh, Minardil, Minas Anor, Minas Tirith, Mundburg, North-way, Northern Army, Ringló Vale, River Anduin, River Erui, River of Gondor, River Sirith, Sangahyando, Sea-longing, Shadow Host, Ship-king, Siege of Pelargir, Sleepless Dead, South Road, South-realm, Stone-city, Telemnar, The Usurper, Tower of Anor, Tower of Guard, Tower of the Setting Sun, Tower of the Sun, Vinyarion, Wall of the Pelennor, Western Gondor, White Mountains
About this entry:
- Updated 4 May 2011
- Updates planned: 1
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