The Encyclopedia of Arda - an interactive guide to the world of J.R.R. Tolkien
Húrin lived from I 439 - c. I 502, and Mardil from c. III 1960 - III 2080
Other names
Title of
The last Lord of Dor-lómin and the first Ruling Steward of Gondor


About this entry:

  • Updated 27 May 2016
  • This entry is complete

The Steadfast

A title for heroes among Men

The title of two historic heroes, Húrin of the First Age and Mardil of the Third, who each in their own way remained faithful to their allegiances. Actually, in Elvish each of these had different titles, respectively Thalion and Voronwë, representing subtle variations on the concept of steadfastness.

Húrin The last Lord of Dor-lómin, who served the House of Fingolfin during the Wars of Beleriand. He was captured by Morgoth, and endured years of captivity during which he was forced to watch the tragedy of his Children unfold. His surname 'Steadfast' came from Elvish Thalion, meaning literally 'dauntless'. This name was perhaps acquired historically as a reference to his fearless defiance of Morgoth.
Mardil Steward to both Eärnil II and Eärnur, the last two Kings of Gondor. After Eärnur was lost in Minas Morgul, with no heir to be found, Mardil became the first Ruling Steward of Gondor. His surname 'Steadfast' came from Elvish Voronwë, meaning literally 'faithful', a reference to his faithful service to the Royal House and to the land of Gondor.



Somewhat confusingly, while the ancestral house of the hereditary Stewards of Gondor was the House of Húrin, there was no direct connection to Húrin the Steadfast. That house took its name from Húrin of Emyn Arnen, a namesake of the original Húrin.


Though both Húrin and Mardil were named the 'Steadfast' in English, in each case this was a translation from a different Elvish source. Húrin's Elvish surname was Thalion (literally 'strong, dauntless'), while Mardil's was Voronwë (literally 'faithful one').

See also...

Good Steward, Thalion, Voronwë


About this entry:

  • Updated 27 May 2016
  • This entry is complete

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The Encyclopedia of Arda
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The Steadfast

A title for heroes among Men

Húrin lived from I 439 - c. I 502, and Mardil from c. III 1960 - III 2080
Other names
Title of
The last Lord of Dor-lómin and the first Ruling Steward of Gondor


About this entry:

  • Updated 27 May 2016
  • This entry is complete

The Steadfast

A title for heroes among Men

The title of two historic heroes, Húrin of the First Age and Mardil of the Third, who each in their own way remained faithful to their allegiances. Actually, in Elvish each of these had different titles, respectively Thalion and Voronwë, representing subtle variations on the concept of steadfastness.

Húrin The last Lord of Dor-lómin, who served the House of Fingolfin during the Wars of Beleriand. He was captured by Morgoth, and endured years of captivity during which he was forced to watch the tragedy of his Children unfold. His surname 'Steadfast' came from Elvish Thalion, meaning literally 'dauntless'. This name was perhaps acquired historically as a reference to his fearless defiance of Morgoth.
Mardil Steward to both Eärnil II and Eärnur, the last two Kings of Gondor. After Eärnur was lost in Minas Morgul, with no heir to be found, Mardil became the first Ruling Steward of Gondor. His surname 'Steadfast' came from Elvish Voronwë, meaning literally 'faithful', a reference to his faithful service to the Royal House and to the land of Gondor.



Somewhat confusingly, while the ancestral house of the hereditary Stewards of Gondor was the House of Húrin, there was no direct connection to Húrin the Steadfast. That house took its name from Húrin of Emyn Arnen, a namesake of the original Húrin.


Though both Húrin and Mardil were named the 'Steadfast' in English, in each case this was a translation from a different Elvish source. Húrin's Elvish surname was Thalion (literally 'strong, dauntless'), while Mardil's was Voronwë (literally 'faithful one').

See also...

Good Steward, Thalion, Voronwë


About this entry:

  • Updated 27 May 2016
  • This entry is complete

For acknowledgements and references, see the Disclaimer & Bibliography page.

Original content © copyright Mark Fisher 2002, 2009, 2016. All rights reserved. For conditions of reuse, see the Site FAQ.

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