The Encyclopedia of Arda - an interactive guide to the world of J.R.R. Tolkien
Uncertain; may date back to the middle of the Second Age1
Running east to west through the northern parts of Eriador
Other names
There were two important roads through Middle-earth that were both known as the 'Great Road'; the other ran southward from Fornost, crossing the east-west Great Road at Bree before running on far into the South; for that North-South Road of the same name, see the alternative entry for Great Road


About this entry:

  • Updated 11 February 2024
  • Updates planned: 1

Great Road

The East-West Road of Eriador

Map of the Great Road
The route of the Great Road across Eriador2
The route of the Great Road across Eriador2

The broad and ancient road that ran for leagues from the Blue Mountains eastward into Eriador and on to the foothills of the Misty Mountains. The Shire grew up along part of its length, and it became the main road of the Shire-hobbits, but the road itself had been in place long before the first Hobbit set foot in that land. At Bree, it met and crossed the road coming north from Gondor and the Southlands, which is also occasionally referred to as the 'Great Road'.



The origins of the Great Road are not clearly explained, but certainly it had existed since long before the founding of the Shire in III 1601. The fact that it ran from Mithlond in the west toward Rivendell in the east suggests that the route may first have been laid down by the Elves (who founded Rivendell in II 1697). Alternatively, the road is frequently associated with the Dwarves, who were well known as road-builders elsewhere in Middle-earth, and the Great Road may have had its beginnings in a trading route for that people.

After the founding of the North-kingdom of Arnor in the late Second Age, much of the road ran through the lands of the Northern Dúnedain and would have been maintained by the Men of Arnor, though the road itself seems to have predated the founding of their kingdom.


Between Michel Delving and Rivendell, the route of the Great Road is well established. Westward of the Shire, however, things are less clear. We're told that the road ran as far westward as the Grey Havens on the Gulf of Lune, but this western section of the road does not appear on any canonical map, and so it is shown here using a conjectural dashed line.


About this entry:

  • Updated 11 February 2024
  • Updates planned: 1

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Great Road

The East-West Road of Eriador

Uncertain; may date back to the middle of the Second Age1
Running east to west through the northern parts of Eriador
Other names
There were two important roads through Middle-earth that were both known as the 'Great Road'; the other ran southward from Fornost, crossing the east-west Great Road at Bree before running on far into the South; for that North-South Road of the same name, see the alternative entry for Great Road


About this entry:

  • Updated 11 February 2024
  • Updates planned: 1

Great Road

The East-West Road of Eriador

Map of the Great Road
The route of the Great Road across Eriador2
The route of the Great Road across Eriador2

The broad and ancient road that ran for leagues from the Blue Mountains eastward into Eriador and on to the foothills of the Misty Mountains. The Shire grew up along part of its length, and it became the main road of the Shire-hobbits, but the road itself had been in place long before the first Hobbit set foot in that land. At Bree, it met and crossed the road coming north from Gondor and the Southlands, which is also occasionally referred to as the 'Great Road'.



The origins of the Great Road are not clearly explained, but certainly it had existed since long before the founding of the Shire in III 1601. The fact that it ran from Mithlond in the west toward Rivendell in the east suggests that the route may first have been laid down by the Elves (who founded Rivendell in II 1697). Alternatively, the road is frequently associated with the Dwarves, who were well known as road-builders elsewhere in Middle-earth, and the Great Road may have had its beginnings in a trading route for that people.

After the founding of the North-kingdom of Arnor in the late Second Age, much of the road ran through the lands of the Northern Dúnedain and would have been maintained by the Men of Arnor, though the road itself seems to have predated the founding of their kingdom.


Between Michel Delving and Rivendell, the route of the Great Road is well established. Westward of the Shire, however, things are less clear. We're told that the road ran as far westward as the Grey Havens on the Gulf of Lune, but this western section of the road does not appear on any canonical map, and so it is shown here using a conjectural dashed line.


About this entry:

  • Updated 11 February 2024
  • Updates planned: 1

For acknowledgements and references, see the Disclaimer & Bibliography page.

Original content © copyright Mark Fisher 2006, 2023-2024. All rights reserved. For conditions of reuse, see the Site FAQ.

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Leadership is a focus of a Discus team report, looking at a leader's style and the team's needs.