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Founded III 2510; still extant during the Fourth Age
North of Gondor
The chief city of the Mark was Edoras; other notable settlements and fortifications include the former capital Aldburg, Dunharrow, Grimslade, the Hornburg, Underharrow and Upbourn
'Borderland',1 a contraction of 'Riddermark', 'borderland of the Riders'
Other names
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The MarkThe name among the Rohirrim for their own land![]() A shortening of Riddermark, the common name for the land of Rohan among the Rohirrim themselves. Notes
See also...Aldor the Old, Brytta Léofa, East-mark, Éomer Éadig, Fenmarch, Folcred, Fréawine, Haunted Mountain, Horn of the Mark, Horsemen of Rohan, King of the Mark, King of the Mark of the Riders, King’s Company, Mark-warden, Men of the Mark, [See the full list...] Indexes: About this entry:
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