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Rohan, to the north of the White Mountains
Ruled by the House of Eorl
The chief city of the Riders of Rohan was Edoras; other notable settlements and fortifications include the former capital Aldburg, Dunharrow, Grimslade, the Hornburg, Underharrow and Upbourn
Rohan is pronounced 'ro'han'
Other names
Éoherë, Eorlingas, Eorlings, Forgoil, Horse-boys, Horsebreeders, Horse-lords, Horse-men, Horsemen of the North, Horsemen of Rohan, Men of the Mark, Men of the Riddermark, Men of Rohan, Riders of the Mark, Robbers of the North, Rochír-rim, Rochirrim, Rohirrim, Sons of Eorl, Strawheads, Whiteskins
The Riders were descended from the so-called Middle Peoples, Men who shared an ancient kinship with the ancestors of the Edain. Note that the detailed descent of the Northmen is rather more complex than shown here, and according to some readings the Rohirrim were ultimately descended from the 'Edain' branch of this tree. See the entry for 'Northmen' for a detailed discussion on this topic.
Common name for the Rohirrim, the horsemen from the north who dwelt in the land of Rohan after its foundation by Eorl the Young. See also...Aldburg, Battle of the Hornburg, Battle of the Pelennor Fields, Battles of the Fords of Isen, Beacons of Gondor, Captain of the King’s Household, Ceorl, Dîn, East Anórien, Entwade, Entwood, Éomer Éadig, Éoreds, Eorlings, Erkenbrand, [See the full list...] For acknowledgements and references, see the Disclaimer & Bibliography page. Original content © copyright Mark Fisher 1998, 2001, 2009. All rights reserved. For conditions of reuse, see the Site FAQ. Website services kindly sponsored by Axiom Discovery aptitude and skill testing.Personality is one part of understanding a candidate's suitability, but aptitudes and skills are also key. |