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Rode from Rohan to Gondor, where the name 'Riders of Théoden' was used as a rallying cry as the Rohirrim charged into the Battle of the Pelennor Fields on 15 March III 3019
Théoden was descended from the House of Eorl
Théoden is pronounced 'thayo'den'
Théoden means 'ruler' or, more literally, 'leader of the people'
Other names
A name used of the Rohirrim during the reign of Théoden, and specifically at the Battle of the Pelennor; these people were otherwise known more generally as Éoherë, Eorlingas, Eorlings, Forgoil, Horse-boys, Horsebreeders, Horse-lords, Horse-men, Horsemen of the North, Horsemen of Rohan, Men of the Mark, Men of the Riddermark, Men of Rohan, Riders of the Mark, Riders of Rohan, Rochír-rim, Rochirrim, Sons of Eorl, Strawheads, Whiteskins
Indexes: About this entry:
The soldiers of King Théoden of Rohan. Called upon by their King in the War of the Ring, they followed him to Gondor and fought in the Battle of the Pelennor. 'Riders of Théoden' was a general name for the Rohirrim, intended to inspire them to action: it is not to be confused with the 'King's Riders', the Company that formed Théoden's personal guard. Indexes: About this entry:
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