- Cities and buildings
- Fields, plains and deserts
- Forests
- Hills and mountains
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- Seas and oceans
The inner, central regions of the island of Númenor
Important peaks
The Meneltarma, or Pillar of Heaven, stood near the centre of this region
mitta'lmarr ('rr' indicates that the final r sound should be pronounced)
Other names
Indexes: About this entry:
MittalmarThe central lands of NúmenorRegions of Númenor A pastoral region of grassland and pasture that lay in the central parts of the island of Númenor. The borders of the Mittalmar formed a roughly oval region, two hundred and fifty miles west to east, and one hundred and seventy north to south. Near its centre rose a single tall mountain, the famous Meneltarma, the Pillar of Heaven. The two main rivers of Númenor had their springs in this region, the Nunduinë that flowed westward, and the Siril that flowed south. The eastern part of the Mittalmar was the most important region on the whole island. This was Arandor, the Kingsland, where the royal city of Armenelos stood, as well as the bustling eastern port of Rómenna. A road ran between these two cities, and carried on westward across the Mittalmar and into the western parts of the island. Notes
See also...Andustar, Eastlands of Númenor, Emerië, Forostar, Inlands, River Siril, Sheep-lord, White House of Erendis Indexes: About this entry:
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