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The western promontory of the island of Númenor
The House of the Lords of Andúnië was prominent in the region
Important peaks
andoo'starr (where 'rr' emphasises that the final r sound should be pronounced)
Other names
Indexes: About this entry:
Regions of Númenor The western promontory of Númenor, separated from the Hyarnustar to the south by the wide Bay of Eldanna. The Andustar formed a very roughly rectangular region, about 150 miles west to east, and 100 miles north to south. To the east, it bordered the Forostar and Mittalmar regions, but in all other directions it was surrounded by the ocean. The Andustar was a generally fertile region, except along its northern coasts, where the landscape became higher and rockier, and forested by firs. Its western shores were broken by three bays, with the northernmost of these being the Bay of Andúnië. On the high land around this bay, the Númenóreans built the port and city of Andúnië, whose Lords were to be the ancestors of the Kings of Arnor and Gondor. Notes
See also...Almaida, Andúnië, Bay of Andúnië, Bay of Eldanna, Henderch, Lady of the Westlands, Númenórean Sindarin, Oromet, Sunset, Westlands of Númenor Indexes: About this entry:
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