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The only known member, Will Whitfoot, was extant at the time of the War of the Ring
Probably associated with Michel Delving1
'White foot'
Whitfoot FamilyThe family of Old WillA family of Shire-hobbits. The family name means simply 'white foot', and suggests a connection with the chalky White Downs around Michel Delving in the Westfarthing of the Shire. That connection certainly existed for the only named member of the family, Will Whitfoot, who was Mayor of the Shire at the time of the War of the Ring. He presided over the Shire from the Town Hole at Michel Delving, which at one time collapsed, covering Will in chalk dust and earning him the nickname 'Flourdumpling'. Some time later, after Sharkey took over, Old Will was imprisoned for a time in the Lockholes, the old storage tunnels cut into the chalk of the White Downs. Notes
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