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Founded long before1 the Return of the Noldor to Middle-earth; destroyed in the War of Wrath at the end of the First Age
South of Mount Dolmed, in Ered Luin
Not certainly known2
'Hollow dwelling'3
Other names
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HollowboldA Dwarvish citadel among the Blue Mountains![]() The Mannish name for the southern of the two great Dwarf-cities in the Blue Mountains. The Dwarves themselves named it Tumunzahar, but Nogrod is the name by which it is best remembered in the histories of the First Age. The name 'Hollowbold' seems to be a more accurate rendering of the Dwarves' own name for their city: it comes from the Old English for 'hollow dwelling' or 'carved dwelling' (Elvish Nogrod means something rather closer to 'Dwarf-cavern'). Notes
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