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Welcome to The Chronicle of Arda. This section of the site provides automated annals for all four Ages of the Sun and Moon. For any period of Arda's history, the Chronicle will display the events that happened in that time. Events and characters are entered into the Chronicle as they are added to the main database: like the rest of The Encyclopedia of Arda this section of the site is expanding all the time.
You can have the Chronicle look up events for specific dates by entering one or two years in the form below. If you enter two dates, the Chronicle will display events that happened between those two years. If you leave one of the dates blank, the Chronicle will display events in the century around the single year you specify.
For years after III 1601 (the year of the foundation of Shire, and therefore Shire Year 1), the Chronicle will also show years by the Shire-reckoning in a second column.
Welcome to The Chronicle of Arda. This section of the site provides automated annals for all four Ages of the Sun and Moon. For any period of Arda's history, the Chronicle will display the events that happened in that time. Events and characters are entered into the Chronicle as they are added to the main database: like the rest of The Encyclopedia of Arda this section of the site is expanding all the time.
You can have the Chronicle look up events for specific dates by entering one or two years in the form below. If you enter two dates, the Chronicle will display events that happened between those two years. If you leave one of the dates blank, the Chronicle will display events in the century around the single year you specify.
For years after III 1601 (the year of the foundation of Shire, and therefore Shire Year 1), the Chronicle will also show years by the Shire-reckoning in a second column.
One hundred years around III 2820 (1220 by the Shire-reckoning) • 6,800 years after the Return of the Noldor |
The Third Age | |||
2770 | 1170 | Smaug descends on Erebor, destroying it and the neighbouring town of Dale. | |
Birth of Briffo Boffin. | |||
2772 | 1172 | Birth of Dwalin. | |
Birth of Berylla, daughter of Buffo Boffin and Ivy Goodenough. | |||
2774 | 1174 | Birth of Gundahar, eldest son of Gundolpho Bolger. | |
Birth of Óin son of Gróin. | |||
2775 | 1175 | Birth of Madoc, son of Gormadoc Brandybuck, and later Master of Buckland. | |
2778 | 1178 | Birth of Rudolph, second son of Gundolpho Bolger and Alfrida of the Yale. | |
2779 | 1179 | Birth of Sadoc, second son of Gormadoc Brandybuck. | |
2780 | 1180 | Birth of Walda son of Brytta, later King of Rohan. | |
Birth of Gundahad, third and youngest son of Gundolpho Bolger and Alfrida of the Yale. | |||
2782 | 1182 | Likely date of birth of Marroc, third son of Master Gormadoc Brandybuck. | |
Probable date of the birth of Thorondir, later Ruling Steward of Gondor. | |||
2783 | 1183 | Birth of Glóin son of Gróin. | |
2784 | 1184 | Death of Arassuil. He is succeeded as Chieftain of the Dúnedain by his son Arathorn I. | |
2788 | 1188 | Birth of the raven Roäc son of Carc. | |
2790 | 1190 | Birth of Gerontius Took, who will live for one hundred and thirty years, and become known as the Old Took. | |
Thrór is slain in Moria by Azog. His son Thráin succeeds as King of Durin's Folk. | |||
2793 | 1193 | To avenge his father's death, Thráin II leads the Dwarves against the Orcs: the War of the Dwarves and Orcs begins. | |
2795 | 1195 | Basso Boffin disappears from the Shire, and is said to have gone to Sea. | |
2798 | 1198 | Death of King Fréaláf of Rohan. He is succeeded by his son Brytta. | |
2799 | 1199 | The Battle of Azanulbizar. The War of the Dwarves and Orcs ends with the death of Azog. | |
2800 | 1200 | Birth of Wiseman, son of Hamfast of Gamwich. | |
Orcs from the north begin to trouble the Rohirrim | |||
2801 | 1201 | Death of Thain Ferumbras II of the Shire. He is succeeded by his son Fortinbras I. | |
2802 | 1202 | Dwarves led by Thráin II and Thorin Oakenshield settle in the Blue Mountains | |
2803 | 1203 | Death of Farin. | |
2804 | 1204 | Birth of Folca son of Walda, later King of the Mark. | |
2805 | 1205 | Death of Grór of Durin's Folk. He is succeeded as ruler of the Iron Hills by his grandson Dáin Ironfoot. | |
2806 | 1206 | Death of Bandobras Took, known as the Bullroarer. | |
2807 | 1207 | Birth of Laura Grubb, the earliest recorded member of the Grubb family. | |
Birth of Mungo, eldest child of Balbo Baggins and Berylla Boffin. | |||
2810 | 1210 | Birth of Fastolph Bolger, son of Rudolph Bolger. | |
Briffo Boffin departs from the Shire and removes to Bree. | |||
Birth of Holman the greenhanded, ancestor of the Gamgees and the Cottons. | |||
2811 | 1211 | Death of Steward Beregond. He is succeeded by his son, who rules as Belecthor II. | |
2812 | 1212 | Birth of Pansy, daughter of Balbo Baggins and Berylla Boffin. | |
Birth of Otto, son of Bosco Boffin and later head of the Boffin family. | |||
2814 | 1214 | Birth of Laura Grubb. | |
2815 | 1215 | Birth of Adalgar, son of Gundahar Bolger and Dina Diggle. | |
Approximate date Buffo Boffin's death. | |||
Probable date of the birth of Túrin II, later Ruling Steward of Gondor. | |||
2816 | 1216 | Birth of Ponto Baggins, son of Balbo Baggins and Berylla Boffin. | |
2817 | 1217 | Birth of Marmadoc, eldest son and heir of Master Madoc Brandybuck of Buckland. | |
2818 | 1218 | Birth of Adaldrida, daughter of Gundahar Bolger and Dina Diggle. | |
2820 | 1220 | Birth of Largo Baggins | |
Probable date of the birth of Arador, later Chieftain of the Dúnedain. | |||
2822 | 1222 | Birth of Gundabald Bolger. | |
Birth of Lily, youngest child of Balbo Baggins and Berylla Boffin. | |||
2826 | 1226 | Birth of Salvia Brandybuck, daughter of Sadoc Brandybuck. | |
2827 | 1227 | Birth of Aglahad of Dol Amroth, great-grandfather of Prince Imrahil. | |
2830 | 1230 | Birth of Folcwine son of Folca, later King of the Mark. | |
Death of Gundolpho Bolger, patriarch of the Bolger family. | |||
2832 | 1232 | Birth of Isengrim, eldest son of Gerontius Took, later Thain Isengrim III | |
2836 | 1236 | Death of Gormadoc Brandybuck. He is succeeded as Master of Buckland by his son Madoc. | |
2838 | 1238 | Birth of Isumbras, third child of Gerontius Took, who would later become Thain Isumbras IV. | |
2840 | 1240 | Birth of Hildigrim, fourth child of Gerontius the Old Took. | |
2841 | 1241 | Thráin II sets out from the Blue Mountains, seeking to return to Erebor. | |
2842 | 1242 | Birth of Isembold, the fifth child of Gerontius the Old Took. | |
Death of King Brytta of Rohan. He is succeeded by his son Walda. | |||
2844 | 1244 | Birth of Hildifons Took. | |
2845 | 1245 | Thráin is captured by Sauron, who thus recovers the last of the Seven Rings of the Dwarves. Unaware of his father's fate, Thráin's son Thorin becomes King of Durin's Folk. | |
2846 | 1246 | Birth of Bungo Baggins. | |
Birth of Hob Gammidge. | |||
2847 | 1247 | Birth of Isembard, seventh child of the Old Took. | |
2848 | 1248 | Death of Arathorn I. He is succeeded as Chieftain of the Dúnedain by his son Argonui. | |
Death of Thain Fortinbras I of the Shire. He is succeeded by his son Gerontius, who becomes famous as the Old Took. | |||
2849 | 1249 | Birth of Hildibrand, eighth child of the Old Took. | |
Birth of Rowan, daughter of Holman the greenhanded | |||
2850 | 1250 | Gandalf enters Dol Guldur once again and discovers Thráin II imprisoned there. Thráin dies soon afterwards, but not before giving Gandalf a map and key. | |
2851 | 1251 | Halfred Greenhand is born in the Shire. | |
King Walda of Rohan is attacked by Orcs near Dunharrow and slain. He is succeeded by his son Folca. | |||
The White Council discover proof that the Necromancer of Dol Guldur is Sauron returned. Gandalf urges an immediate attack, but Saruman rejects this. | |||
2852 | 1252 | Birth of Belladonna Took, the mother of Bilbo Baggins. | |
2854 | 1254 | Birth of Hugo Boffin, eldest son of Otto Boffin. | |
Birth of Erling, son of Holman the Greenhanded. | |||
2855 | 1255 | Probable date of birth of Turgon son of Túrin II, later Ruling Steward of Gondor. | |
Birth of Rudigar son of Adalgar Bolger. | |||
2856 | 1256 | Birth of Donnamira Took. | |
Birth of Belba Baggins. | |||
Birth of Rosa Baggins. | |||
2857 | 1257 | Birth of Uffo Boffin, second son of Otto the Fat. | |
2858 | 1258 | Death of Bosco Boffin. | |
Probable date of the death of Balbo Baggins, earliest known head of the Baggins family. | |||
Birth of Folcred and Fastred, twin sons of Folcwine of Rohan. | |||
2859 | 1259 | Birth of Hending, son of Holman the greenhanded. | |
Birth of Thorin's nephew Fíli. | |||
2860 | 1260 | Birth of Rudibert, second son of Adalgar Bolger. | |
Birth of Mirabella, the youngest daughter of the Old Took. | |||
Birth of Longo, third child of Mungo Baggins and Laura Grubb. | |||
Birth of Rollo Boffin, third son of Otto Boffin the Fat. | |||
Birth of Gorbadoc, son of Marmadoc Brandybuck and later Master of Buckland. | |||
Birth of Cotman, grandfather of Farmer Tolman Cotton. | |||
2861 | 1261 | Birth of Theobald Bolger, son of Gundabald Bolger and Salvia Brandybuck. | |
2862 | 1262 | Birth of Linda, fourth child of Mungo Baggins and Laura Grubb. | |
Birth of Isengar Took, youngest child of the Old Took. | |||
Birth of Rose, daiughter of Holman the greenhanded. | |||
2863 | 1263 | Birth of Carl, the younger brother of Cotman. | |
2864 | 1264 | Birth of Bingo Baggins. | |
Ruby Bolger is born in the Shire. | |||
King Folca of Rohan dies after being wounded by the Boar of Everholt. He is succeeded by his son Folcwine. | |||
Birth of Fosco Baggins. | |||
Birth of Kíli, nephew of Thorin Oakenshield and later part of his Company on the Quest of Erebor. | |||
2865 | 1265 | Birth of Primrose Boffin, later mother to Lobelia Bracegirdle (or Lobelia Sackville-Baggins). | |
2866 | 1266 | Birth of Thorin son of Dáin Ironfoot, who would later rule as King Thorin III Stonehelm in Erebor. | |
Likely date of the birth of Angelimir, later Prince of Dol Amroth. | |||
2868 | 1268 | Birth of Orgulas Brandybuck, youngest child of Master Marmadoc the Masterful. | |
2870 | 1270 | Birth of Fengel, youngest son of Folcwine of Rohan, but destined to succeed his father as King. |
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