The Third Age |
| 2895 | 1295 | Birth of Herugar, son of Rudigar Bolger. |
| 2899 | 1299 | Probable date of accession of Aglahad, nineteenth Prince of Dol Amroth and great-great-grandfather to Imrahil. |
| 2900 | 1300 | Death of Mungo Baggins, Bilbo's paternal grandfather. |
| | | Death of Otto Boffin. |
| | | Birth of Gruffo Boffin. |
c. | 2900 | 1300 | Approximate date of the refortification of Cair Andros by Steward Túrin II. |
| 2901 | 1301 | Birth of Adalbert, son of Rudigar Bolger and Amethyst Hornblower. |
| | | Uruk-hai out of Mordor attack Ithilien, driving out all but a few of its inhabitants. Henneth Annûn is built by the Gondorians. |
| 2902 | 1302 | Birth of Holman son of Cotman, the first Hobbit to bear the surname 'Cotton'. |
| | | Birth of Rorimac Brandybuck, future Master of Buckland, and of Posco Baggins. |
| | | Birth of Dora Baggins. |
| 2903 | 1303 | Birth of Falco Chubb-Baggins in the Shire. |
| | | Death of King Folcwine of Rohan. He is succeeded by his son Fengel. |
| 2904 | 1304 | Birth of Gerda Boffin. |
| | | Birth of Odo Proudfoot. |
| | | Birth of Wilibald, son of Theobald Bolger and Nina Lightfoot. |
| | | Birth of Amaranth, daughter of Master Gorbadoc Brandybuck. |
| 2905 | 1305 | Birth of Thengel son of Fengel, later King of Rohan. |
| 2906 | 1306 | Birth of Prisca, daughter of Polo Baggins. |
| 2907 | 1307 | Birth of Gilraen, who would become the mother of Aragorn. |
| 2908 | 1308 | Birth of Drogo Baggins, later to become the father of Frodo Baggins. |
| | | Birth of Saradas, the third child of Gorbadoc Brandybuck. |
| | | Birth of Gorbulas, son of Orgulas Brandybuck. |
| 2910 | 1310 | Birth of Otho Sackville-Baggins. |
| | | Death of Marmadoc Brandybuck. He is succeeded as Master of Buckland by his son Gorbadoc. |
| 2911 | 1311 | The year of the Fell Winter. White Wolves invade the Shire. |
| | | Birth of Dudo Baggins, younger brother of Frodo's father Drogo. |
| | | Death of the elder Ponto Baggins. |
c. | 2911 | 1311 | Estimated date of birth of Bard the Bowman. |
| 2912 | 1312 | Death of Lily Baggins. |
| | | Death of Largo Baggins. |
| | | The melting snows of the Fell Winter cause disastrous flooding. Tharbad on the Gwathló is ruined and its bridge is broken. |
| | | Death of Argonui. He is succeeded as Chieftain of the Dúnedain by his son Arador. |
| 2913 | 1313 | Birth of Asphodel Brandybuck, daughter of Gorbadoc Brandybuck and Mirabella Took. |
| | | Birth of Bruno Bracegirdle, elder brother of Lobelia Sackville-Baggins. |
| 2914 | 1314 | Death of Adalgar Bolger. |
| | | Death of Steward Túrin II. He is succeeded by his son, Turgon. |
| 2916 | 1316 | Likely date of birth of Dinodas Brandybuck, youngest son of Gorbadoc Brandybuck. |
| | | On the death of his mother Laura Baggins (née Grubb), Bungo Baggins becomes head of the Baggins family. |
| | | Birth of Ferumbras Took, later Thain Ferumbras III of the Shire. |
| 2917 | 1317 | Apparent date of birth of Adrahil son of Angelimir, later Prince of Dol Amroth. |
| 2918 | 1318 | Birth of Lobelia Bracegirdle, better known by her married name of Lobelia Sackville-Baggins. |
| 2920 | 1320 | Birth of Primula Brandybuck, youngest child of Master Gorbadoc of Brandy Hall. |
| | | Death of Thain Gerontius, the Old Took. He is succeeded by his son Isengrim III. |
| 2922 | 1322 | Birth of Morwen Steelsheen, later queen to King Thengel of Rohan. |
| 2923 | 1323 | Death of Gróin of Durin's Folk. |
| | | Birth of Andwise Roper, eldest brother of Hamfast Gamgee. |
| 2926 | 1326 | Birth of Hamfast Gamgee, the 'Gaffer', father of Sam Gamgee. |
| | | Death of Bungo Baggins, father of Bilbo Baggins. |
| 2928 | 1328 | Birth of Adelard, son of Flambard Took. |
| 2929 | 1329 | Marriage of Arathorn and Gilraen, the parents of Aragorn. |
| 2930 | 1330 | Birth of Denethor in Minas Tirith, later to become Steward Denethor II. |
| | | Death of Thain Isengrim III of the Shire. He is succeeded by his brother Isumbras IV. |
| | | Arador is slain by hill-trolls. He is succeeded as Chieftain of the Dúnedain by his son Arathorn II. |
| 2931 | 1331 | 1 March Birth of Aragorn II Elessar. |
| 2932 | 1332 | Birth of Halfred of Overhill, youngest child of Roper Gamgee. |
| | | Likely date of accession of Imrahil's grandfather, Angelimir, the twentieth Prince of Dol Amroth. |
| 2933 | 1333 | Birth of Paladin Took, later Thain Paladin II and father to Peregrin Took. |
| | | Death of Aragorn's father Arathorn II. Aragorn is fostered by Elrond at Rivendell under the name Estel. |
| 2934 | 1334 | Death of Belladonna Took, mother of Bilbo Baggins. |
| | | Death of Hildibrand Took. |
| 2936 | 1336 | Birth of Esmeralda, the youngest child of Adalgrim Took. |
| | | Birth of Odovacar Bolger. |
| 2937 | 1337 | Birth of Vigo, son of Jago Boffin. |
| 2938 | 1338 | Birth of Rosamunda, daughter and eldest child of Sigismond Took. |
| 2939 | 1339 | Death of Thain Isumbras IV of the Shire. He is succeeded by his son Fortinbras II. |
| 2940 | 1340 | Birth of Ferdinand, son of Sigismond Took. |
| | | Birth of Saradoc Brandybuck, later Master of Buckland and father of Meriadoc Brandybuck |
| 2941 | 1341 | Death of Hildigrim Took. |
| | | Birth of Tolman Cotton the elder. |
| | | 15 March Gandalf and Thorin encounter one another at Bree, and begin to plan the recovery of Erebor. |
| | | 25 April Gandalf briefly visits Bilbo Baggins at Bag End. |
| | | 26 April Thorin and Company come to Bag End with Gandalf, and the planning of the Quest of Erebor begins. |
| | | 27 April Gandalf, Bilbo Baggins and the Dwarves set out from Bag End on the Quest of Erebor. |
| | | May Bilbo and the Dwarves encounter three trolls, and narrowly escape being eaten. |
| | | Midyear's Day Bilbo Baggins and the Dwarves set out from Rivendell on their journey to the Lonely Mountain. |
| | | July Bilbo Baggins comes across the One Ring beneath the Misty Mountains. |
| | | Expulsion of the Necromancer from Dol Guldur by the White Council. |
| | | Bard the Bowman slays the Dragon Smaug. |
| | | October The Battle of Five Armies. Thorin Oakenshield is slain, and his cousin Dáin Ironfoot becomes King of Durin's Folk. |
c. | 2941 | 1341 | A young Hamfast Gamgee becomes apprenticed to the gardener Holman Greenhand. |
| 2942 | 1342 | Return of Sauron to Mordor. |
| | | Birth of Filibert, son of Adalbert Bolger and Gerda Boffin. |
| | | Birth of Merimac, younger son of Master Rorimac Brandybuck. |
| | | 22 June Return of Bilbo Baggins to Bag End in the Shire. |
| 2943 | 1343 | Birth of Marmadas Brandybuck, son of Gorbulas Brandybuck |
| 2944 | 1344 | Gollum sets out from the Misty Mountains in search of his lost Precious. |
| | | Bard completes the rebuilding of Dale, and is made its King. |
| | | Birth of Poppy Chubb-Baggins. |
| 2945 | 1345 | Death of Hugo Boffin. |
| 2946 | 1346 | Birth of Wilcome 'Will' Cotton, second son of Holman Cotton of Bywater. |
| | | Birth of Olo, son of Odo Proudfoot. |
| | | Death of Isembold Took, fifth child of the Old Took. |
| | | Birth of Griffo Boffin, son of Gruffo Boffin. |
| | | Birth of Ponto, eldest son of Posco Baggins and Gilly Brownlock. |
| 2947 | 1347 | Birth of Wilimar Bolger, son of Wilibald Bolger and Prisca Baggins. |
| | | Birth of Milo Burrows, son of Rufus Burrows and Asphodel Brandybuck. |
| | | Death of Isembard Took, seventh child of the Old Took. |
| 2948 | 1348 | Birth of Seredic, son of Saradas Brandybuck. |
| | | Death of Donnamira Took, daughter of Gerontius the Old Took. |
| | | Birth of Théoden, later King of Rohan |
| | | Death of Rudigar Bolger. |
| | | Birth of Porto, second son of Posco Baggins and Gilly Brownlock. |
| 2949 | 1349 | Bilbo Baggins is visited in the Shire by Gandalf and Balin. |
| 2950 | 1350 | Death of Longo Baggins. |
| | | Birth of Finduilas, the daughter of Adrahil, later to become the mother of Boromir and Faramir. |
| | | Birth of Peony Baggins. |
| | | Birth of Hugo Bracegirdle. |
| | | Birth of Daisy, daughter of Dudo Baggins. |
| 2951 | 1351 | Birth of Heribald Bolger, son of Wilibald Bolger and Prisca Baggins. |
| | | Elrond reveals Aragorn's ancestry to him. The first meeting of Aragorn and Arwen, in the woods of Rivendell. |
| | | Khamûl and two other Nazgûl are sent to reclaim Dol Guldur. |
| | | Rebuilding of Barad-dûr begins. |
| 2953 | 1353 | Saruman claims Isengard as his own and begins to fortify it. |
| | | Death of King Fengel of Rohan. He is succeeded by his son Thengel. |
| | | Death of Steward Turgon. He is succeeded by his son, Ecthelion II. |
| | | The last meeting of the White Council. |
| 2954 | 1354 | Mount Doom erupts, causing the last remaining people of Ithilien to flee across the Anduin. |
| | | Birth of Hilda Bracegirdle. |
| 2955 | 1355 | Likely date of the birth of Imrahil of Dol Amroth. |
| 2956 | 1356 | Death of Belba Baggins. |
| | | Gandalf and Aragorn meet for the first time. |
| 2957 | 1357 | Aragorn enters the service of Thengel of Rohan, under the alias of Thorongil. |
| 2960 | 1360 | Death of Mirabella, wife of Master Gorbadoc Brandybuck of Buckland. |
| | | Death of Isengar Took. |
| | | Birth of Nora Bolger, daughter of Wilibald Bolger and Prisca Baggins. |
| | | Death of Frodo Baggins' grandfather Fosco Baggins. |
| | | Death of Bingo Baggins. |
| 2961 | 1361 | Birth of Anson, son of Andwise Roper of Tighfield. |
| 2962 | 1362 | Hamfast Gamgee takes over as gardener at Bag End. |
| 2963 | 1363 | Death of Linda Baggins. |
| | | Birth of Théodwyn, youngest daughter of King Thengel of Rohan. |
| | | Death of Gorbadoc Brandybuck. He is succeeded as Master of Buckland by his son, Rorimac. |
| 2964 | 1364 | Birth of Lotho Sackville-Baggins, later self-appointed Chief Shirriff of the Shire. |
| 2965 | 1365 | Birth of Hamson, the eldest brother of Samwise Gamgee. |
| 2968 | 1368 | 22 September Birth of Frodo Baggins in the Shire. |
| 2969 | 1369 | Birth of Reginard, eldest son of Adelard Took. |
| | | Birth of Halfred, elder brother of Samwise Gamgee. |
| 2972 | 1372 | Birth of Halfast Gamgee. |
| | | Birth of Daisy, elder sister of Samwise Gamgee. |
| 2975 | 1375 | Birth of Pearl, eldest daughter of Paladin Took and Eglantine Banks. |
| 2976 | 1376 | Birth of May, elder sister of Samwise Gamgee. |
| | | Denethor, future Steward of Gondor, weds Finduilas, daughter of Adrahil of Dol Amroth. |
| 2977 | 1377 | Death of Bard the Bowman. He is succeeded as King of Dale by his son Bain. |
| | | Likely date of the death of Angelimir. He is succeeded as Prince of Dol Amroth by his son Adrahil. |
| 2978 | 1378 | Birth of Théodred, son of Théoden of Rohan. His mother Elfhild dies in childbirth. |
| | | Birth of Boromir, heir to Denethor II of Gondor. |
| | | Birth of Folco Boffin in the Shire. |
| 2979 | 1379 | Birth of Pimpernel, second daughter of Thain Paladin Took II, and elder sister of Peregrin Took. |
| 2980 | 1380 | Birth of Tolman Cotton, eldest son and namesake of Farmer Tolman Cotton. |
| | | Birth of Fredegar 'Fatty' Bolger, son of Odovacar Bolger and Rosamunda Took. |
| | | 'Thorongil' (Aragorn) leaves the service of Gondor and travels into the east. He later comes to Lórien, where he meets Arwen again, and the two become betrothed. |
| | | Death of King Thengel of Rohan. He is succeeded by his son Théoden. |
| | | Death of Thain Fortinbras II of the Shire. He is succeeded by his son Ferumbras III. |
| | | Loss of Drogo Baggins and his wife Primula in a boating accident. |
| | | Birth of Berilac, son of Merimac Brandybuck. |
| | | Birth of Everard, son of Adelard Took. |
| | | 6 April Likely date of Samwise Gamgee's birth. |
c. | 2980 | 1380 | Gollum first encounters Shelob in Ephel Dúath on Mordor's western border. |
| 2981 | 1381 | Birth of Angelica, daughter of Ponto Baggins. |
| | | Birth of Merimas, eldest child of Marmadas Brandybuck. |
| 2982 | 1382 | Death of Adalgrim Took. |
| | | Birth of Meriadoc Brandybuck, later Master of Buckland. |
| 2983 | 1383 | Birth of Mentha, daughter of Marmadas Brandybuck. |
| | | Birth of Faramir, second son of Denethor II. |
| | | Birth of Ferdibrand, son of Ferdinand Took. |
| | | Birth of Marigold, youngest daughter of Hamfast Gamgee and Bell Goodchild. |
| 2984 | 1384 | Death of Hobson, also known as Roper Gamgee, the first Hobbit to bear the name 'Gamgee'. |
| | | Death of Steward Ecthelion II. He is succeeded by his son, who rules as Denethor II. |
| | | Birth of Rose Cotton, who later married Samwise Gamgee, and of her brother Wilcome 'Jolly' Cotton. |
| 2985 | 1385 | Birth of Melilot Brandybuck, Estella Bolger and Pervinca Took in the Shire. |
| 2986 | 1386 | Death of Jago Boffin, grandfather of Folco Boffin. |
| | | Birth of Bowman Cotton, son of Tolman Cotton and Lily Brown. |
| 2987 | 1387 | Birth of Mosco, eldest child of Milo Burrows and Peony Baggins. |
| 2988 | 1388 | Birth of Tosto Boffin in the Shire. |
| | | Death of Finduilas, spouse of Denethor II and mother to Boromir and Faramir, at the age of just 38. |
| 2989 | 1389 | Birth of Doderic Brandybuck. |
| | | Balin begins his ill-fated attempt to recolonise Moria. |
| | | Adoption of Frodo Baggins as Bilbo's heir. Frodo removes from Buckland to Bag End. |
| | | Birth of Carl, called 'Nibs', youngest child of Tolman Cotton and Lily Brown. |
| | | Death of Flambard Took. |
| 2990 | 1390 | Birth of Peregrin Took. |
| | | Death of Herugar Bolger. |
| | | Birth of Iorlas, uncle of Bergil, in Gondor. |
| | | Birth of Sancho, son of Olo Proudfoot. |
| 2991 | 1391 | Birth of Moto, son of Milo Burrows and Peony Baggins. |
| | | Birth of Éomer, later King of Rohan. |
| | | Death of Sigismond Took. |
| | | Birth of Ilberic Brandybuck. |
| 2993 | 1393 | Birth of Myrtle, daughter of Milo Burrows and Peony Baggins. |
| 2994 | 1394 | Balin's attempt to recolonise Moria ends in disaster. Balin himself, and the Dwarves of his company, are all slain. |
| | | Birth of Celandine, youngest child of Seredic Brandybuck and Hilda Bracegirdle. |
| 2995 | 1395 | Birth of Éowyn in Rohan. |
| | | Birth of Diamond of Long Cleeve. |